aa. Tired so much.
lari 30 menit, push up 30x, sit up 30x.
membuat saya nyyeeehhheee.
I want introduce my Parents.
My Dad is Tegoshi Yuya.
and My Mom Is Bunda Dinchan
See, Kawaiii ne? Bunda hontou ni Kawaii desu. and My dad, Tegoshi Yuya hontou ni kakkoi.
hahahahahaha. Really love this picture.
This is my edithing. so freak, and amatir bauangggeeeettt. hahahahaha
But, I really love this picture. hahahaha
Love you bunda and yayah
cantik ama cakep dong~
BalasHapuspastinyaaaa~ #plakk
arigatou anakku.. :-*
hahahaha XP
hahahaha. iya dong. doita ne udah mampir. hahahaha