Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Ryutaro In SUMMARY 2011

Konbanwa Minna san. I know I must post it tonight.

I find it form group in Facebook. and this pict from weibo.

Ryutaro in Tokyo Dome concert 9/25 with some guards/police to protect him from fans...

as you can see, Ryutaro is in a very special seat where only him and the police are there...

I dont know it's true or not. hahahahaha.

and this is from LJ.

you can open HERE

I dont know it's really Ryutaro or not. but if really Ryutaro I fell so.. so. happy.

he's fine.

and I hope he is happy. Ryutaro I miss you~

2 komentar:

  1. ´(⊙_⊙)` ЂλЂ? Itu benaran Ryu dtg ke Summary dome...
    Kyaaaaaaaa~ Ryu (-̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩_-̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩)

    kau pasti kangen berat dgn masa2 itu bukan? (˘̩̩̩.˘̩ƪ) aku jd sedih nich Ryu..
    Summary 2011 tanpamu...
    Aku rindu dengan perfomance mu Ryuuuuu...

  2. once again. I wanna cry read your post kalis. Antara seneng dan sedih tau ga kalis. I really miss him. I love onetaro, my sweety ryu :(


Thanks For Leave A Coment